Friday 15 November 2013

Gay sex crimes

The Cypriot man bludgeoned to death at the derelict ruins of the Beau Rivage hotel on the Larnaca-Dhekelia Road paid the ultimate price of his life for a homosexual tryst. 

The CM is a bit scanty on the details of the case, but it is mystifying to me that this murder was reduced to a manslaughter charge, on the grounds that the killer, Stelios Mavroloukas (32) was acting in self-defence against unwanted sexual advances from the murder victim, Angelos Phedonos (46). 

Mavroloukas claimed that Phedonos tried to force him to have gay sex, threatening to harm his family if he didn't.  Mavroloukas said that his intention was to slap him "a couple of times" and scare him off, but not to kill him.   

So why had he arranged to meet an older gay man at an abandoned building site in the first place?  And why did he take a weapon (a wooden handle) to the meeting? 

The victim had 5 fatal head injuries and other bodily wounds.  At what point did Mavroloukas think this was just a slap?  He claimed he only knew about his death the day he was arrested. 

To me, this sounds like a violent sex game gone wrong. 

Mavroloukas got 15 years.

One of my gay Cypriot friends told me that many gay men and women in Cyprus try to hide their homosexuality with sham marriages, while practising in secret.  The Cyprus military still bars homosexuals by law.  Gay sexual conduct is a crime in Cypriot military law, the penalty for which is 6 months’ imprisonment, although this is rarely enforced.  Gay Cypriots suffer great shame and social stigma in a culture that upholds traditional gender roles on “manly” men and “feminine” women. 

Pope Francis recently made headlines by formally responding to a group of gay and lesbian Italian Catholics.  While practising Catholics believe homosexual acts are sinful and immoral – just as all sexual acts outside consecrated marriage are, including adultery, fornication, pornography, etc. because such acts are essentially anti-creation and therefore anti-life and anti-God – the predilection, desire or inclination towards homosexuality is not. 

But as one priest I know once said, “The problem with all sin is that it tends to generate other sins.”  Had Phedonos and Mavroloukas not arranged a sordid homosexual encounter, Phedonos might still be alive today, and Mavroloukas would not be in prison. 

I remember the Beau Rivage in the '80s when it was a charming 3* hotel with beautifully manicured lawns surrounding a clean, well maintained swimming pool.  Many happy an afternoon was spent there.  Nowadays it is a burnt out shell, a crumbling eyesore in the tourist district of Larnaca, and a murder scene.  It should be razed to the ground. 

Added 18/11/2013 - Tourists should beware of bogus websites and travel agencies that are still selling rooms for this hotel with outdated photos as if it is still in business.  It is not.  See Footsteps's follow-up post.  

For in many things we all offend.  If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man.  He is able also with a bridle to lead about the whole body.  - James 3:2 (D-R)

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