Monday 9 December 2013

Santa sucks

10 reasons why Santa and all Santa-related symbolisms are just plain wrong:
  1. He doesn’t exist
  2. An obese old man who never married but likes fondling other people’s children ...
  3. His chauffeur is the Horned One
  4. His helpers are elves/pixies/sprites/goblins/orcs  = little demons
  5. The discovery by children that their parents and teachers lied to them all along is a recipe for years of therapy on a shrink’s couch in future
  6. He’s a white supremacist
  7. In Holland, he was/is portrayed as a mockery of a Catholic bishop
  8. In the US, he was popularised to sell Coca Cola (which worked)
  9. It encourages kids (and immature adults) to think Christmas is just about getting stuff
  10. It’s a subversion of the focus on the Holy Family and the Nativity of Our Lord

Atheists, secularists and anti-Catholics love banging on about how the early Church “sequestrated” ancient pagan rituals of Yuletide, winter solstice, blah di blah, ad snoream.  Meanwhile, Santa Claus is a sequestration or corruption of the life of the early Christian saint, Nicholas of Myra (now Demre, in present day Turkey) – a 4th century Greek Christian bishop, famous among other things for his generous gifts to the poor.  There is nothing saintly or holy about Santa.  Even his name is a fraud!  

One school in Brighton, UK, famously insisted on a green-suited Santa in 2007, in protest against the conventional Coca Cola image.  It was a Steiner school - they like being different.  (Very Brighton.)  Why not just get rid of Santa all together?  Bah, humbug. 

If you’re a parent, grandparent, Godparent, aunt, uncle or teacher, put the Christ back into Christmas: ban Santa. Tell the kids the truth instead:  the most wonderful, miraculous account of the Holy Night - the greatest gift you can give a child.  

And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary.  And the angel being came in, and said unto her:  Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.  
– Luke 1:26-28 (DR)

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