Friday 27 September 2013

Every end is a new beginning

The obit of Stephen Willis saddened us today.  We did not have the privilege of knowing Mr. Willis personally.  Such men are the backbone of the Christian community in Cyprus.  Unsung heroes of this island.  We wish all his family and friends our condolences.  

Why does our daily English language newspaper, The Cyprus Mail, neglect to mention his faith?  Is it not important?  We know the funeral will take place at St. Paul’s, Paphos - that very important historic church in Mediterranean Christendom, now shared by the Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican communities.  We also know he was a choirboy at Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford – one of the great bastions of the Church of England - originally an Augustinian priory before 1522.  But what did Mr Willis believe in?  Is that not a far more succinct synopsis of his identity and life than his occupations, his very commendable charity work, or his honour from the Italian government as a Cavaliere?  These are not insignificant achievements, but I say faith is more significant. 

Scouring through The Cyprus Mail today, I find zero references to the many and worthy activities of the non-Orthodox churches on the island. It’s not the first time we've seen the dearth.  What’s with the embargo on religion?  The majority of Cyprus Mail readers are non-Orthodox.  You would think the press would be more interested in representing the faiths of their readers.  

Earlier this year, 21/3/13 on Channel 4 News, one Steve Willis – maybe the same Mr. Willis, maybe not - was outspoken on the outrageous decision of the Cyprus government to raid private bank accounts, asking the fundamental question:  "Does what's going on in Cyprus breach the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms?"  

One of the problems with Cyprus is that there is not enough inter-communal dialogue.  

Stephen Willis's funeral will be at St. Paul's Church, Paphos (Ayia Kyriaki/Chrysopolitissa):
Tuesday 1st October 2013 at 11 a.m.
No flowers.  Donations in lieu to The Friends Hospice of Paphos.

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.  May he rest in peace.  Amen.   

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