Tuesday 14 January 2014

A virile crackdown

Four people in the republic were caught smuggling illegal goods from the Turkish north, the CM reports

Acting on a tip-off, police found that the two women from Larnaca, a man from Larnaca and a man from Nicosia had large quantities of TRNC contraband in their homes.  Namely, cigarettes, rolling tobacco, cigars, err, snails (?) and erectile dysfunction pills.

There is obviously a huge (ahem) demand for these products in the south.
Limply, the 43-year-old woman from Larnaca was simply fined €900 and released without charge, while the other three had to appear in court on Monday this week.  One of the men was jailed ... for 2 days.  The other two got away with a fine. 

So it looks like the police and ministry of justice are not that bothered about illegal imports from the north then, as long as they get their money’s worth.

The confiscated goods are reportedly worth €15,000 while €47,810 in cash was found at the house of one of the offenders. 

What we want to know is:  what did the police do with all the Viagra and the snails?   

At least they’re addressing the flaccidity of border controls.  

Father, You have given all peoples one common origin.  It is Your will that we be gathered together as one family in Yourself.  Fill the hearts of mankind with the fire of Your love and with the desire to ensure justice for all.  By sharing the good things You give us, may we secure an equality for all our brothers and sisters throughout the world.  May there be an end to division, strife and war.  May there be a dawning of a truly human society built on love and peace.  We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. 

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