Monday 7 October 2013

Football: greed in shorts

While some Cypriot families are starving, and paying new taxes through their noses, Marios Lefkaritis recently pocketed 32 million euro from the Qataris to secure his vote on Qatar as a World Cup location, the UK’s Mail on Sunday alleged yesterday.
Marios Lefkaritis:
not starving but
suffering with ingrown toenails
 Lefkaritis is one of the 22 FIFA Executive Committee  members, 14 of whom voted in favour of Qatar for the World  Cup.  Three of those fourteen have already stepped down  from FIFA over allegations of vote-fixing. 

 As the MoS went to press yesterday, Lefkaritis was not available for comment.  His spokesman said he was  recovering from surgery.  He has backed out of FIFA  meetings early this month citing a foot injury.

 In the wake of the dodgy land deals involving CYTA's pension  fund, the QIA, Qatar’s sovereign wealth fund, allegedly  bought land in Cyprus from Lefkaritis, so we should be seeing  a new influx of Qataris on the island soon. 

Has Marios paid tax on his bank deposits?  I hope Angela Merkel is taking note.
Almighty God, you alone can order the unruly wills and affections of sinful people: grant that we may love the things you command us and desire the things you promise, so that among the many and various changes of the world, our hearts may be surely fixed where true joys are to be found, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.
-The Book of Common Prayer

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