Monday 6 January 2014

We saw His star as it rose

The Anglican "church" is removing “politically incorrect” language such as sin and The Devil from its baptismal ceremonies, the UK’s Daily Mail reports

Meanwhile, today is the feast of the Baptism of the Lord for the Greek Orthodox, while in Roman Catholicism we celebrate the Epiphany today and the Baptism of the Lord this coming Sunday. 

Our Serbian brothers and sisters are only just beginning their Christmas celebrations - their Christmas Eve is tonight, according to the Julian calendar.

I've never really understood why the Greek Orthodox in Cyprus follow the Julian calendar for Easter but not for Christmas.  This year, 2014, the Julian and Gregorian Easter calendars coincide.  

In Mexico, the feast of “Los Tres Reyes Magos” today is celebrated with even more intensity than Christmas. 

Confused?  Not surprised. 

Of course it would make more sense for the world if everyone believed in the same and followed the same calendar – that’s probably what God wants for world peace and unity – but that’s not going to happen when human free will is in the equation. 

Why did God give us free will?  Because He wants voluntary friends, not robots. 

I like the moral theologian Fr. John Bartunek’s take on it

Christus mansionem bendicat. 
Christ, bless this house. 

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