Thursday 14 November 2013

Typhoon Haiyan

Nice to see the Cyprus Mail putting the Catholic Church in Cyprus on their front page splash for a change, although only in print edition, not on their website, strangely.  

"Cyprus gears up to join aid efforts" according to the CM's headline today.  That should read:  

Catholics in Cyprus gear up to join aid efforts.

Photo credit:  Huffington Post
As Footsteps reported six days ago, Catholic parishes in Cyprus are collecting donations for disaster relief in the Philippines.  The CM confirms we are working in conjunction with the Filipino Consulate in Nicosia.

According to the Filipino Honorary Consul, Shemaine Alonso Bushnell-Kyriakides, the following items are most urgently needed:
  • medicine for fever - aspirin, panadol, paracetamol, etc.
  • medicine for wounds - bandages, plaster rolls, antibacterial ointments & liquids
  • baby food and milk formula 
  • baby nappies
  • cash
I imagine that bottled water and/or non-perishable food items are also very welcome.  The Filipino Consulate in Nicosia is reportedly now negotiating with cargo companies and airlines re: transport.

Photo credit:  The Financial Times (UK)

For residents of Nicosia and environs, donations may be dropped off at the Filipino Consulate at the George & Thelma Paraskevaides Foundation Building, 36 Grivas Dighenis Avenue, Nicosia.  Open Mon-Fri 9 am – 1 pm.  Or, any other day or time at the Holy Cross Catholic Church, near Paphos Gate, Nicosia.  Map here.  Tel. Fr. Zach 96 367710.

Elsewhere in Cyprus, drop off aid at your local Catholic parish church.  Every major town on the island has one, including Kyrenia.  For further info, call Fr. Zach in Nicosia as above, or Fr. Gabriel in Larnaca on 24 642858. Or go to a Sunday Mass.  

It would be nice to hear of airlines that operate connecting flights from Larnaca to Manila donating free cargo space for the transport of aid.  Emirates, Royal Jordanian, Gulf Air and Aeroflot are all in a position to do so.  Or perhaps RAF Akrotiri could step in.  

Pray the Rosary for the people of the Philippines. 

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