Tuesday 19 November 2013

Beau Rivage? More like Rivage Ruine

Following up on the Gay Sex Crimes story from four days ago...

Google the Beau Rivage hotel Larnaca and you will find several websites not publishing the truth about this Godforsaken place, e.g. "The regularly refurbished Beau Rivage Hotel is a bustling beachfront resort some 7 kilometres from the heart of the beautiful town of Larnaca.  It is surrounded by verdant landscape as well as some exciting attractions and leisure opportunities, offering a pleasant place to rest after a long day of getting lost in town..."

These pictures were taken on my camera today, 19th November 2013, around 1 p.m. local time.  All photos are copyrighted to Footsteps.  

"... regularly refurbished..."
"... a bustling beachfront resort..."
"... surrounded by verdant landscape..."
"... some exciting attractions..."
"... and leisure opportunities..."
"... a pleasant place to rest ..."

The Touch Blue development company, which appears to own this sick building, is registered to a Nicosia address according to this.  It's also listed on Cyprus Best Companies, where it claims to "complement and add value to the specific environment".  The CEO is Joseph Vrahimis, a Cypriot.  The same company was named in the recent dodgy 20m euro land deals involving CYTA, the state telecommunications authority.  

Strange that tourist numbers in Cyprus are down, huh?

For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap.  For he that soweth in his flesh also shall reap corruption.  But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.  - Epistle of St. Paul to the Galatians 6:8 (D-R) 

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