Saturday 7 December 2013

Thank you, Readers!

as at 7th December 2013
circa 5.30 pm local time
Footsteps has had one thousand page views.  

Thank you, all readers, for your continued support and interest.  

Clustermaps provides different stats, perhaps based on one-off country visitors, not on page views.  

Certain countries are off the radar on Clustermaps but are picked up by Blogger, and vice versa, for techie reasons unknown to us.  

Our greatest number of readers are in Cyprus (inevitably), then the US (surprisingly), then the UK (not surprisingly), plus Serbia, Japan, Israel, Germany, Australia, Mexico, Russia ... 

Keep reading, folks!  Thank you.  

Country stats for FOOTSTEPS from Blogger
from September 27th, 2013 (first blog) to December 7th, 2013

Thank you also to St. Francis de Sales for his continued inspiration.

Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you.  Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
- St. Francis de Sales

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