Friday 13 December 2013

Chumps of the week

This week's prize for CHUMPS OF THE WEEK goes to the 1,000 CYTA employees, associates and "friends" who ran through Nicosia today dressed as Santa Claus in the name of charity, the CM reports.  

CYTA, the semi-state telecom authority of Cyprus, is desperately trying to claw back some credibility in the wake of the dodgy land deals scandals in which a CYTA employee, his brother - a land registry civil servant, and their trade union rep were arrested, among others (including the CYTA chairman) for selling land in Cyprus at hugely inflated prices and pocketing the profits.  

We are not convinced by the charity stunt.  

Apart from the fact that Santa Claus is just plain wrong and anti-Christ - see Footsteps earlier this week - nobody in their right mind believes for a second that anyone in the Cyprus government has done anything for Cyprus in the last 5 years.  

Cyprus is an oligarchy.  The very small elite group of the rich and powerful on this island look after their own and the rest, well ...  Wouldn't it be better if CYTA concentrated on giving us a functioning internet service in bad weather rather than dressing up as pagan paedophiles, all in the name of "charity"?  


God of power and might, wisdom and justice, through You, authority is rightly administered, laws are enacted, and judgement is decreed.  Assist with Your Spirit of counsel and fortitude the president of Cyprus and other government leaders.  May they always seek the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.  Grant that they may be enabled by Your powerful protection to lead our country with honesty and integrity.  We ask this through Christ, Our Lord.  Amen.  

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