Saturday 28 December 2013

Who is man's best friend's best friend?

In the Middle Ages, men convicted of high treason in England were hanged, drawn and quartered.  

Cyprus is still in the Middle Ages in its treatment of animals.  

A 64-year-old Limassol man has been charged with animal cruelty after allegedly tying his dog to the back of his car and dragging it through the streets until it died, the CM reports.  

The man was released on bail.  


Sign this petition to the President of Cyprus, Mr. Anastasiades, to establish an animal police unit in Cyprus and bring all animal abusers to rightful justice.  

More than 10,000 have already signed.  

Added 29/12/13 - the petitioner recently changed his/her profile pic to this:


The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. 
- Mahatma Gandhi  

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